We provide foster care services to communities in North and South Carolina.
Fred Rogers said it best… “We live in a world in which we need to share responsibility. It’s easy to say ‘it’s not my child, not my community, not my problem.’ Then there are those who see the need and respond. I consider those people my heroes.”
When young children and teens are not able to live with their birth/adoptive/kinship family (for any number of reasons) they may enter the foster care system. Licensed foster families welcome these youth into their home and their family in an effort to provide them as much normalcy as possible in a family setting. We specialize in licensing families to foster teenagers, sibling groups and youth with therapeutic needs.

Every child has the right to a home.
We help people interested in becoming foster parents become licensed so they can share their home and their hearts to children in need. But it doesn’t stop there! Once a family becomes licensed to provide foster care, the support only increases.
- Foster families receive ongoing training about topics important to them. Group training is regularly provided in each region (and encourages foster parents to fellowship with and support one another). Individual training is also available, as needed and/or requested.
- New foster families will be linked with experienced foster families to encourage the natural support that comes with shared experiences.
- Foster families have regular contact with one dedicated FPCS person assigned to their home. This person is there to support the foster family and foster youth in a variety of ways – coordinating appointments; school activities; visitation with family; general questions and anything else that arises.
- FPCS foster families are provided respite. A child placed with a family for foster care spends some time with another of our licensed foster families, giving the foster parent and the child a break or respite.
- Licensed families have 24/7 on call support in the event of an emergency.
Frequently Asked Questions
- 21 years of age or older
- Single or in a committed relationship. If it is a two parent house-hold, both parents must participate
- Reliable transportation
- Willingness to learn
- Agree not to use any type of physical discipline
- Willing to get a current physical
- Financial stability. Income must be adequate to cover the family’s expenses. The foster care re-imbursement cannot be the sole income for the family
- Adult family members must participate in back-ground checks
- Sense of humor ☺
- Space for a child in your home
- High school diploma or GED
Yes. Foster parents receive a stipend tailored to the individual expectations and needs of the child placed in their home.
Initially, there is no commitment. Learn more about our program, meet with our staff, gather information and participate in training to decide if foster care is the right decision for you and your family. Once you become licensed and accept a child/children into your home and family, we ask you to make a commitment for the length of their stay in foster care (and there are often opportunities to remain connected once a child leaves your home).
Yes. Every foster parent is given one day of respite care per month for each child in the home. Because of this, respite homes are a valuable resource for the Program. A respite home is a home in which the client stays for a period of one to ten days. This may be a planned respite or an emergency basis.
Yes! Once a child becomes available for adoption, the foster parent often gets the first choice to adopt.
Children in North Carolina are referred by NCDSS or mental health providers. Children can be in the NCDSS foster care system or in the custody of their parents/caregiver. Children in South Carolina are referred by SCDSS.
Youth who meet the criteria for therapeutic foster care usually have difficulties adhering to the limits and expectations of a family environment that does not offer support or counseling. The behaviors you may see when a child/teenager become anxious and fearful include: verbal hostility, intimidation, defiance, running away, drug use, truancy, sexual acting out, fighting with peers, and stealing. These clients are often victims of physical, sexual, and emotional abuse.
“No one person can do everything but we all are obligated to do something. This is my something.”

Ready to take the next step?
We are so excited you have decided to support the youth and teens in our community by becoming a foster parent!
Questions? Don’t hesitate to Contact Us
Our Insights

How fostering teens can positively impact their lives and YOURS!
Often when we think of “teenagers,” we instantly lean into all the negative misrepresentations our teenage population has received generation after generation. The truth is

Spring has sprung! For foster family fun in the sun read more.
After such a long, cold and dreary winter, isn’t it rejuvenating to feel the wind in our hair and the warmness of the sun on